

Vernal pools are precious, biologically-diverse, legally-protected, seasonal wetlands that form in late winter and early spring, and disappear in fall. If you heard “peeper choruses” (small frogs) in the spring, there may be one in your neighborhood. Home to a fragile ecologically-connected web of plants, amphibians (salamanders, frogs, newts), insects and crustaceans, including the dynamic fairy shrimp - they also attract visitors such as turtles, snakes, birds and mammals. This workshop offers backyard scientists, nature lovers, and landowners a peek at local vernal pools. Learn to identify inhabitants, their food web, the various calls of frogs, threats to vernal pools, and why & how concerned citizens advocate for, and collect data to monitor life there. Borrow a pair of waders and complete the program with an optional, but highly-encouraged, expertly-guided field trip, and even help with data collection. Ages 12 and up. John served two terms on the school board, 6 years on the Conservation Commission and 5 years as part of a team of “Citizen Scientists” dedicated to conducting vernal pool studies in Scarborough.


Tuesday 30-April 2013 6pm WIS band Rm Class GSA

Class time approx 30 min

Explore local pool approx 30 min

Wednesday 24-April 2013 4pm Scarborough Library with 4th graders

Class time approx 30 min

Explore local pool approx 30 min

Thursday 5-APRIL 2012 6:15 to 8:15 pm Rm A106 Free

With optional Saturday field trip, 7-APRIL 2012, conditions permitting

Pre-register by 3-APRIL

Instructor: John Cole

Minimum: 5 students / Maximum: 20 students

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

A Maine Vernal Pool

Hands-on experience to a local vernal pool is planned

Vernal Pool near School

Vernal pool built at the edge of Prestonsburg Elementary School in Kentucky.